Inbreeding degree


This report displays found ancestors, the coverage rate, the implex factor and the degree of inbreeding.

The coverage rate is the ratio between known ancestors and possible ancestors (column % below).

An implex is a person appearing several times in the ancestors tree. As a result, the implex factor is the ratio between the cumulated number of ancestors and the number of different ancestors.
Example: if an individual has 100 ancestors, but only 80 are different, the implex ratio is 1 - (80 / 100) = 20%.

The degree of inbreeding is the probability that two alleles of this individual are the same. This means that parents are sharing one or more common ancestors.


Root individual

Man Walker, James Carter (I362062907579) (6 Mar 1956)

Implex factor: 0.71%
Degree of inbreeding: 0.000000000

Generation nb Nb of possible ancestors Nb of known ancestors % Cumulated nb of ancestors (A) % Nb of different ancestors Cumulated nb of different ancestors (B) Implex % (1-B/A)
1 1 1 100.0 1 100.0 1 1 0.00
2 2 2 100.0 3 100.0 2 3 0.00
3 4 4 100.0 7 100.0 4 7 0.00
4 8 8 100.0 15 100.0 8 15 0.00
5 16 16 100.0 31 100.0 16 31 0.00
6 32 32 100.0 63 100.0 32 63 0.00
7 64 46 71.87 109 85.82 46 109 0.00
8 128 73 57.03 182 71.37 73 182 0.00
9 256 109 42.57 291 56.94 109 291 0.00
10 512 139 27.14 430 42.03 139 430 0.00
11 1024 190 18.55 620 30.28 190 620 0.00
12 2048 216 10.54 836 20.41 216 836 0.00
13 4096 277 6.76 1113 13.58 276 1112 0.09
14 8192 353 4.3 1466 8.94 351 1463 0.20
15 16384 422 2.57 1888 5.76 418 1881 0.37
16 32768 414 1.26 2302 3.51 410 2291 0.48
17 65536 288 0.43 2590 1.97 283 2574 0.62
18 131072 136 0.1 2726 1.03 134 2708 0.66
19 262144 72 0.02 2798 0.53 70 2778 0.71
20 524288 14 0.0 2812 0.26 14 2792 0.71
21 1048576 6 0.0 2818 0.13 6 2798 0.71
22 2097152 1 0.0 2819 0.06 1 2799 0.71
23 4194304 2 0.0 2821 0.03 2 2801 0.71
24 8388608 1 0.0 2822 0.01 1 2802 0.71

Common ancestors list for the implex ratio


Common ancestors list for the degree of inbreeding